TEFL Inspired Haiku
Bear with me…I sometimes think I can write, and lately, Haiku has captured my interest. Here are some of my own scrawlings, based not so much on teaching abroad, but more of life in Mexico City…
The first series comes from frequent rides on Mexico City’s subway system.
Balderas tuna can
Shuffle poke is that my hand?
Or yours on my bum
Blind woman arrives
With something salsa. Good thing
She can’t see herself
Sweat metro Juarez
We swim in each other’s wet
Heat. I am a slut.
All history wants
is to be remembered here
on the metro lines.
A flash! Empty seat!
Who will win the precious chair?
Old lady, no fair!
Randomly inspired Haiku…
Marriachi man
Just where does that note come from?
That laughs and cries so
Desmadres are why
Nothing opens on Sundays
Even words are tired.
Es el buen gusto
Pa’ comer que nos mueve
Tags: General Mexico Info, haiku, poetry, tefl
Very catchy!
There is no doubt that you are in synch with the mexican reality……the surrealism of the metro experience
Clouds appear
and bring to men a chance to rest
from looking at the moon.
(Basho Matsuo – google….sorry…. I am not as creative as you)
Greetings and the hopes of a fair wind at your back, I bid you.
Glad to have you writing on my blog again!
“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it’s the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with his friendship”
The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think….please Guy keep writing, keep doing it and doing it!
LOL at the haiku’s Guy…..this thread caught my eye simply because I once had an idea to write a book of Haiku.
It was from my time in Africa, the idea was to capture Africa by Haiku….needless to say…I never finished it!
I was thinking of a new creative project for China next term…I may scrap the planned photography idea and go for another haiku project
Hey Guy.
This is César (Tampico, Tamaulipas) from your July 2007 course.
How cool to find you here blogging. I had been so busy with work and school and now I can finally do nothing (related to work/school) and do stuff I want, like spending time online. That’s how I got to this page.
Your first haiku just transported me back to Mexico City. I kid you not haha. I want to ask your permission to post it myself, giving you credit of course.
I hope you read this message before X-mas. Merry X-mas. Take care.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Cesar. Good to hear from you.I’d wondered how you were making out after the TEFL course with us in Mexico City.
Take care and do stay in touch!