The City of Indulgance… Singapore!
Saturday, March 25th, 2006Hey All,
Well I’m writinghyou this from a little hostel, in little india, in Singapore. We decided to use our time off to come see this country that is the sizeof a city. It was pretty easy as well. A ferry to mersing, a 2hour bus to Singapore. The city is amazing. Its like Portland mixed with Asia. Everything is brand new, fancy, trendy, and clean. You could eat off of the streets. Everyone speaks Enbglish as it is the national language, and there is so much western food we don’t know what to do with ourselves. The exchange rate isn’t the best in South East Asia, $1US = S$1.75 but its still nothing t ocomplauin about seeing the quality of the city and the things in it. The hostel (The Inn Crowd) is awesome as well, three floors, two dorm rooms with about 9 bunk beds, all siutuated so there is some level of privacy, nice bathrooms, and all the amneitites youd come to expect in Singapore, for the price of S$36 a night for the both of us, also a price to expect in Singapore. We’ve defintily been spoiled on our first hostelling visit. We got here yesterday, walked all around the city, spent the evening in the Esplanade, had an amazing dinner, walked along the river listening to free live music, and the like. I have never felt safer in any place i’ve been before. We’re heading back out again today to see some more sights, and should be able to post some pictures tonight, maybe not. We were supposed to get new books on Thursday but they never came so we need to call Serina and find out about that. Otherwise it will be difficulult to keep class going. Life on the island doesn’t garner muc hto write about. We rest alot as the heat or lack of nutrients or something wears us out. Hang out in the village a little, nothing notable. The other night though, E-na and Teeny, two of our students, came up to the chalet and decorated JEn’s fingertips with what is called E-ni, its a plant that is churned up in a mortar and pestel and you wrap the paste around your finfger tips, leave it there over night (wrapped in plastic bag pieces), and the next morning your fingertips are brighy orange and lasts for about 2-3 months. Malay women do this for marriage so it was quite befitting and looks reall beautiful, and also is a conversation piece for many malay women that jen comes in contact with.
I’ve decided to forego the scuba classes for a number of reasons: a) I don’t know when i’d use it once we got back to the states as it costs money to dive and that is something we don’t have much of; b)The course would run a week longer than we’d be on Tioman seeing how the dive master only comes on weekends, c) even though its dirt cheap here, the money would go to better uses elsewhere, like more travel insurance since ours is running out in 10 days. But one day I’ll get it, when I have the time and know that I’ll have the opportunity to use it. Well we’re starving, its 8:30am here and going to head out into the city to do some window shopping, maybe go to the zoo, and enjoy the city some more.