BootsnAll Travel Network


So, one day you are reading an article on mysterious lines and zoomorphics found in the Peruvian desert discovered by overflying airline pilots, another day you are in you very own cessan caravan doing 60 degree banks left to right to left to right thinking you can get better photos than natl geographic, study them and maybe just maybe prove they really are an alien landing strip or an astromical calendar! very cool. if the german mathematician is correct and they correspond to the zodiac…then sagitarius, my sign, is the hummingbird symbol. And…its beak points to magnetic north. given my theories on ancients harnessing magnetism…i think this is a sign (yeah).

For those of you unaware of the lines. They can only be seen from the air and they were made by removing darkers stones on top to reveal lighter desert coluors belows for a contrasting picture almost 1500 yrs ago for unknown reasons. my hummingbird by far not the largest, is 50km long. there was a crackpot about 30 yrs ago who wrote a theory these were a landing strip for extraterrestials which set off a massive debates and some of the more feasible theires lost credibility bc they were lumped with his. The math lady spent 50 yrs of her life out measuring to prove they were really a calendar for eclipses, seasons, so it could dictate planting crops. We will never know i suppose but they are pretty darn cool. that took the entire day. long flight to Ica, overflight to nasca, then back.

leave 0430 manana por el aeropuerto por cusco, if i get a ticker that is! someone accidentally never booked it or cancelled it or who knows. to be continued…i have an altitude sickness preventative pill to go swallow…


0 responses to “ICA, NASCA Day 3”

  1. Tom Mosby says:

    WOW!!!!! Your trip sounds so great and you’ve only just begun!!!

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