Day 134 – Donegal, Ireland to Swinford Mayo
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007Mum and I drove back in Donegal and I was ecstatic to see my lovely mountains once again. Despite all I have seen, I still maintain my family home in Dunlewey, Donegal has the most spectacular scenery in the world. Valleys and glens, waterfalls, and lakes, quartzite and marble. Put the visual together with all the memories in these hills – its my heaven on earth.
Being home all of one day, it was back on the road again. Found out last minute about a family gathering of my Dads side, some cousins I never met, so we hopped in the car to head south to Swinford Mayo. For those of you family listening…We drove down and met up at the local hotel for Mae McLoughlins 80th birthday celebration. Mae was married to what would be our grand-uncle John. Mae’s daughter Phyllis brought her over from London to throw her this surprise party. I met Ethna’s sister Audry, my late grand-uncle Martin’s wife Nuala and her daughter Karen and Uncle Henry and cousin Phillip arrived. It was wonderful to see all these relatives and hear some stories of yore especially since Dad would tell them to me.
When World War II was raging in Europe, the aircraft would sometimes miss London and overfly Dublin, dropping bombs there instead. My grandmother, Bridget (B) McLoughlin sent Daddy up to her mother’s farm in Swinford where it was safer. He attended school there for a few years. I often heard him tell of his uncles making poteen (moonshine) in the fields and that they were fortunate not to get caught since the other uncles were the guards (police). Apparently, that stradegy did not always work as I heard of the disgraced ones who got caught and ended up in court!
I relayed my story of finding Aunt Mauras grave in Lima, Peru and meeting her friends and I was told of some of the antices Aunt Maura used to pull. It was a lovely evening all around.