BootsnAll Travel Network

Buenos Aires – Day 1

Nothing like a good nights sleep a la B777.  Up, land at EZE and pile off the aircraft in various states of groginess.  As my luck would have it, the carosel goes round and round and eventually stops with no bag.  Are you kidding me.  I hunt down random airport employee who whips out a list and my name happens to be on it.  My bag came on the earlier flight and is sitting 2 buildings over  at AA airlines.  That is one way to skip customs I guess.  I go retrieve it and my 2 companions and I hail a cab.  We get a few miles towards town before we come to a complete standstill.  Is this normal? Nope.  The unemployed are protesting today and they have decided to block the highway.  Awesome.  An hour later, we make to to Hotel Goya. 

A shower and some relaxation later, we head out to see the town.  Cruise to Plaza de Mayo, Casa Rosa where Evita hung out and off to dinner in Recolata.  Caught a good tango demo there and finally back to catch up on some much needed zzzs 


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