Puerto Rico Visuals
Back in March, five of us went to San Juan, Puerto Rico during spring break because we could for $75 each way per person through Jet Blue. But if you try the same thing we did, be careful because when the airline starts selling tickets, the price begins to rise, so you’re friend may end up paying $50 more than you. Anyway, I’ve finally gotten around to developing these pics as well…
Waiting at the airport. Mal, Aaron, Rick, and Andrew
Beautiful scenery
Andrew looking hot
Some guy in the ocean
El Morro off in the distance
Chico puertoricense
An unusual view
Mal being cute while we have girly talk.
The boys and a taste of San Juan behind.
Mallory, cute as usual.
Rick, looking disgustedly at the water, wondering how many dead things there are, or worse how many live ones.
Look what I can do with a computer; I can make it look like night time. (It’s really a distant thunderstorm).
Mal putting on all the boys’ shirts and buttoning them in all the wrong places.
The open air market. If you want a cabbie to take you here, make sure you specify or you’ll end up at the supermarket. And with most of the vendors, you’ll have no choice but to practice your Spanish.
And at this point, I ran out of film, though between the five of us, we had almost 500 pictures.
Tags: 6. Caribbean, 6A. Puerto Rico, Photos
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