It has been brought to my attention that my writing in this blog isn’t half bad, or wouldn’t be if only I would use grammar and spell check. It has been recommended that I first write my entries in Word and later copy/paste them to the blog. I agree. Let me explain some of the mistakes. After traveling in locations that speak a dialect of English different from mine, my spelling has suffered. I am no longer always sure whether in American English, “traveling” ought to be spelled with one “l” or two, or whether or not “color” should have a “u.” Quite often while traveling, I am writing on a computer I am unfamiliar with, with a keyboard that makes little sense to me, and whose commands are in a language with an entirely different alphabet. Rarely, while abroad do I ever have the luxury of writing on my own computer. Quite often, I am paying $5 an hour to use the internet and, considering my writing in this blog is entirely for pleasure and not at all for financial gain, I’d rather get my story written, horribly or no, than spend my time editing it. I can always edit later. Finally, now that this has been the case for five months, I have grown lazy with spell check. This blog is more or less a first draft, and personally I feel that most of what is written here is in dire need of improvement, not only in terms of spelling and grammar. But how bout this: I do my best to learn to spell so I don’t have to use spell check in the future? Fair?
Tags: Travel
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