BootsnAll Travel Network

Ramen and Rooster Hangovers. August 23, 2006

We woke up early in the morning to the sounds of roosters, donkeys, dogs barking and a parrot that tried to imitate them all.  However, we were still in paradise and Jenny’s burn was feeling a little better.  We bandaged her bum and tried to have a normal day.  The wind was still on the surf so a group of us decided to go searching North for a better spot. We got a few miles away but only found some farms with no beach access and a small town with no good beach.  After the group all went their separate ways to run errands, we returned to Nexpa to find the wind had dropped off and the surf had improved drastically.  The huge left hand point break the spot was famous for was firing and some of the talented locals were already out in the lineup showing how the wave was supposed to be ridden.  After I watched a few guys catch double-overhead waves that peeled around the point for hundreds of feet I hustled to grab my board and get in the water.

I surfed the rest of that morning and into the afternoon, catching some of the biggest, most fun waves I’d had in a long while.  The locals knew the spot so well they caught most of the good waves but there were plenty for everyone else.  I totally forgot about lunch and only came in for a break when I could barely paddle any longer.  I went back out for a late afternoon session with a few friends and caught a few more worth remembering.  I didn’t get out of the water until after the sun had set… a pretty good day.  Jenny was feeling better so we joined some of the other travelers for dinner at the surf camp and a $10 peso (90 cent) poker tournament that evening.  As usual, Jenny made up for my bad play taking the whole pot, which was enough to buy us, well, not much, but every little bit helps.


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