Lay day – August 24, 2006
The next morning the wind was back up and the surf wasn’t cooperating as well, which was good since my sore shoulders and neck needed a rest. I went out for a short session to find the surf wasn’t nearly as good, but it was still way better than I was used to. We spent most of the day relaxing, running some errands in town and deciding where to go next. Even though we were doing ok on time and not spending much money in Nexpa, we were down to a day or so worth of money and the closest ATM was 70 kilometers South. Oh yeah, one thing we’ve found about Mexico – no one outside of the larger hotels or restaurants takes credit cards – not even the government controlled Pemex gas stations. So, when you’re low on cash, you better make sure you have enough gas and food to get to the next town.
We did some reading on our next destinations then met up with the group again for dinner and poker. This time, we played out on the balcony of one of the oceanfront palapas, watching the sunset and catching the ocean breeze while we shared a few beers and many stories. The greatest nights on the trip so far haven’t required much money or planning – just the right setting and a few other fun travelers to share them with.
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