Zihautanejo – August 26, 2006
Monday, December 18th, 2006We arrived at Zihau, a city that we now have a great affinity for since it took in our homeless puppy with open arms. Remember at the end of Shawshank Redemption when Andy escapes to a tiny fishing village in Mexico – Zihautanejo? Well it isn’t a small village anymore – the picturesque bay, great fishing, diving and friendly people have attracted hordes of tourists – but fortunately it still has the feel of a small town and most of the charm. The town also serves as the cultural base for the nearby resort town of Ixtapa, which is set up more like Disney World.
Zihua is set between the mountains and the bay, which holds charter fishing boats, pangas (smaller boats of the local fishermen) and sailboats. The streets are lined with markets, vendors, hotels, restaurants, shops and artists, but somehow it doesn’t have a resort-touristy feel. Despite having a population of around 50,000, it’s also fairly clean and feels very safe. You can tell that the locals all take great pride in its Mexican charm and beauty. The streets are swept religiously and the people all say hi and smile as you walk by. As you wind your way through the cobblestone streets that encompass the bay, you see soccer games being played and a busy, bustling city full of heritage and tradition. It’s the first large town we have really enjoyed and wanted to settle in for a while. [read on]