BootsnAll Travel Network

Things to do in Denver when you’ve got bronchitis at 2am….

Well. The first thing you could do is try & go back to sleep. You might find that counting buffalo (there aint too many round these parts no more..) helps in this situation. You might find that it dont. The second thing that aspiring bronchitis sufferers could do is feel sorry for themself by emptying the contents of the hotel minibar. I however am giving my liver a special holiday season reprieve. I talked to it at length about joining my lungs on the Bucky organ dodgy list and it just didn’t seem too keen..

Which brings me to the third thing that jetlagged brits in Colorado could do to pass the time. Namely: this.

So..I’ve been in the USA for about 36 hours now and have had time to make a few cliched and trite observations. I will share them with you. America is BIG. We drove for 9 hours yesterday and most of that was spent just crossing Kansas. The roads are big, the cars are big, the Prairie is dotted with little houses… It’s all hunky-dory. Its nice to be able to drink tap water again, to see snow, to feel anonymous.

And of course it’s absolutely brilliant to be spending the holidays with my girlfriend Jane & her family. Later this morning we hit the open road once more – through the Rocky mountains and then on to Utah where her grandparents live. There’s talk of snowboarding, and maybe of seeing Vegas or the Grand Canyon. Grand.

So before I slope off back to bed, I’d just like to wish everybody a Happy Hannukah, a Merry Christmas, & a top-notch-all-the-trimmings-bucketsful-of-joy Happy New Year. Hope you get your kicks in 2006…

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One response to “Things to do in Denver when you’ve got bronchitis at 2am….”

  1. Marc says:

    Try not to lose all your money playing poker in Vegas…from what i’ve heard that was how you were making your money out in Vietnam

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