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Bucky, Bucky’s & a Buckaroo…

Friday, January 6th, 2006

It all began a couple of weeks ago when I first arrived in the city of Lawrence, Kansas. As my girlfriend Jane drove me across town she told me not to look to my left. I didn’t.

Several times since then we would be driving and I would receive similar instructions. Although obviously since Jane’s journey’s are not 1-way, I would sometimes be asked not to look right. I didn’t.

And then there was yesterday. While Jane was at work, and with a neat handwritten map created by her Dad, I set off for my destination. I was excited. I had heard both good and bad things. Overwhelming good reviews indicate a lack of adventure. Not on this jaunt.

I came down the street and saw the sign glowing above me:

I felt a sense of pride. There were other Bucky’s in the world. And some of them made hamburgers! I went in and ordered a quarter-pounder Buckaroo. Yes. It was really called that. I also ordered some onion rings. They were ok. However the Buckaroo was almost certainly one of the most vile burgers I have ever eaten. The meat was grey. I took a picture. The computer is being difficult with me. You’ll just have to imagine a grey burger.

Tomorrow I leave Lawrence to see my friend Anne in St Louis – 6 or so hours away by train. My eyes will be peeled for other Bucky-themed eateries. Or drinkeries. I’m not too fussed. Awoooga.

Bucky’s Thailand Pictures

Friday, October 7th, 2005

I’ve finally got around to posting up some pictures of my time here in Thailand. I’m sorry there aren’t more – but I’ve hardly picked up my camera at all in the last 2 months – something I hope to change in the next 2…

This is Blythe, Shirley & Amelia – 3 of the girls from my 1st teaching course, at the final party back in early september.

And here is John Rambo at the same event – crooning in that sweet Irish lilt of his

This here is my old school mate Fred and with him another old friend who I’ve since fallen out with – Ronald. Our clownish pal’s hands clasped position is called a “Wai’ and is a sign of respect amongst Thai people. Somebody, somewhere in the lovely Mcdonalds corporation worked out that if Ron did the “Wai” outside restaurants, the company’s profits would increase. Who said cynical capitalism was dead in Asia?

I saw this car in Bangkok a few weeks back. It was being used in a movie that was shooting in the centre of town. I’d like one please.

This bag of crisps caused quite a chuckle. In case any potato lovers were worried that their crisps might be different shapes…rest assured that the manufacturers have gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that they all look the same.

I spent a lovely weekend in the old capital, Ayyuthaya a while back. This is one of the ancient temples still standing in the historical city. I’ll be in Angkor Wat in Cambodia next week, and with any luck will have quite a few stunning pictures. Providing I remember to re-charge my batteries of course..

And finally we have the magnificent Squiddle Siam english school’s Cat-in-residence. I think I’ve mentioned before that Squiddle has captured my heart like no cat before him. He’ll have forgotten me 30 seconds after I walk out that door. I shall remember him a little longer…

If clicking on these pictures just brings up a black box, wait a second or two. Once you have got bored & pissed off with waiting – get up, put on your coat, & visit a buddy who has a broadband connection. If you have no buddies with broadband connections, go to the park & play football. Its a fun team sport & it’ll keep you fit & healthy