BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 19, The Morning After the Night Before

The Jo and Sam came back to our resort and had one of the most memorable mornings ever…. As Sam amd John were now alittle BUSY Jo and myself headed out to sea…. Dont worry we wernt that drunk and headed out a few hundred meters in crystal blue waters, white sand and sat and talked in water no higher than your knees. We then had a massive rain storm which was fab and very refreshing and coudnt think of a better way to end the full moon party than being surround by sea in the rain chatting with a new friend.

Its now 5.15 pm and not been to bed yet so going to have a quiet one tonight and so day 19 is going to consit mostly of sleep.

Ohhh one thing I think I should mention is that Murph and Chaz have ncknamed me Minty ( Eastenders ) hahahahahahahahahah I hear you say but guess it could have been worse 🙂 Lots of people now know me as it and Im getting used to it.


One Response to “Day 19, The Morning After the Night Before”

  1. Johanna Says:

    Glad your still havin a fab time ……Can`t believe what you have been up to whilst I have been working!! I keep checking the Blog for updates, it must take you ages … but its well worth it.
    Some of the photos are amazing, you will have to get them on disk for me when your back.

    Keep havin fun!!!
    Jo xx

  2. mom Says:

    hi brett or should i say minty great to here from you and that you are safe and wellsorry i missed your phone call i was digging the garden by the time i took off my shoes gloves id miss you love to raed all your messages and see your pictures looks amazing what a fab trip your having and meeting all those amazing new freinds went to kerry last week a good time played with alfie he got to like me by friday haha went to coventry with kez dad alfie had a good time now im back home its very quite on my own in the day ive washed iron and dug anything i get my hands on brians on 2weeks holiday next week so im going to try and book a holiday if i do i will let you now were we are going snez snez ive got a rotten cold coming on if im not snezing im haveing a hot flush haha my age i dont miss work to much i cant really say i been board well brett i will get off now dont forget to look at the brightest star it will wink at you and say i love you from mom keep safe bye bye love mom xxx

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