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Archive for August, 2005

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Why do it? Would you?

Sunday, August 7th, 2005

Try this link found it on the net, just about says it all….. it may take a few minutes to load depending on your connection but its worth it. The file size is 2.7mb Make sure your speakers are on!!!

“He who dares”

Its a big world!!

Thursday, August 4th, 2005

create your own visited country map
or check our Venice travel guide

Found this cool website were you can put in the places you have been and it generates a map, lets see how much I can fill!!!! only 3% so far poor…

Random pics i’ve taken!!

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005
I really do have more hair than this.....

4 Weeks and counting

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005
Well the title says it all, been planning this since March, three months in SE Asia....... Well folks this is gonna be my little bit of the web were I can make notes of where I am, who I ... [Continue reading this entry]