BootsnAll Travel Network

Why do it? Would you?

Try this link found it on the net, just about says it all….. it may take a few minutes to load depending on your connection but its worth it. The file size is 2.7mb Make sure your speakers are on!!!

“He who dares”


One Response to “Why do it? Would you?”

  1. Ray Says:

    Watcha mate! Have you landed then? I was watching that Lost on TV the other night and was having bad vibes so I reckon you ought to post some more blog at earliest opp, put all our minds at ease! Work shit, ur better off out of it mate. I reckon Donna will be gone by the end of the year, she is gettin really pissed off with it all. Your mate Channing has just packed it all in – pushed her key through the door with a note saying she’s had enough and Pete and Heather might not be far behind. Let me know what it’s like there, have you seen any lady-boys yet?.. “Me love u long time, ten dollar, sucky sucky”.

  2. Ray Says:

    P.S. have you checked out Google Earth yet? It’s awesome. I’ve just been zooming in on Thailand… couldn’t see you though.

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