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Welcome to Glasgow!

Tuesday, September 12th, 2006

This trip has gone very easily…until today. I’m now in Glasgow, drying my backpack out after an unfortunate encounter with a jar of jam.

I left Minneapolis last Thursday and a couple flights and a day later I was in London. One weird thing about the trip over. On the first leg of my flight there was a guy just ahead of me playing a movie that totally fixated me. It was some sort of adventure film, kind of like Lord of the Rings from what I could tell without any sound. What made me do a double-take was that all the characters were puppets, marionettes with strings all over the place. I do not like dolls so this was freaky to watch. Not hugely freaky like Dark Crystal beetle puppets freaky but still really weird. I was disturbed and absorbed at the same time. Any one heard of a movie like this?? I’m hoping that the weirdness factor will go down if I can watch the movie all the way through with sound so I know what the heck is going on like when my best friend Tracy bought me a copy of the Cat Returns, a weird Japanese cartoon about some girl getting carried off to cat land. Watching it with sound made it a whole lot less weird than the first time we saw it which was on the screen which First Ave in Minneapolis puts down in front of the stage before the bands play and all we had were subtitles. Maybe it was less weird because we knew the actors who did the voices and that was comforting. Anyway, if anyone knows about freaky marionette adventure movies, let me know.
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