Trip Report: Volcan Tajulmulco
Here is the photo trip report from my hike up to the highest point in Central America, Volcan Tajumulco at 4220 meters above sea level. As you may recall, it was a difficult hike, not so much because of the hike itself, but because of my weakened condition of food poisoning from the night before. Plus the breakfast combination of black beans, eggs, tortillas and platanos with cream only created additional havoc on my stomach.
Tags: Travel
Loving the beautiful pictures. Are you over your cold yet? Take care!
Great pictures Edwin! I really love the ones of sunrise! Seems like the view was worth the trip- I hope! Take care.
Dan Update.
He moved out of the storage container. The lack of toliet and lack of Shower, along with the other drawbacks of living in a storge container down by the river caught up with poor dan.
He has moved back home with his mom.
He had been out of work for well over 2 months.. That is until yesterday!!
He starts his first day as a cook at one of my uncles restruants. A job he turned down some 8 weeks ago becasue he wanted to drive strippers-escorts around as a “driver” for 15.00 a day.
With the inflation of gas here in the US close to 3.00 per gallon now, and driving a stripper some 30 miles a day for 15.00 should have been enough to let dan know he could not survive on this, and that the profit margin was quite low. BUt it did not become clear this job was not for him untill the strippers stoped paying him for his service. He was driving them around for free.
Not having a job for weeks and weeks this lifestyle caught up with him. He had to quit being a “driver” for escorts-strippers and find a new career. Here it is some 2.5 months after being fired at Sherri’s for showing a picture of his unit to a waitress and getting fired, and he still hasnt had a job since.
That is until yesterday.
Dan swallowed his pride and accepted the job of being a cook for my uncle.
Normally Id send out a public health warning not to eat at the establishment dan works at, but becasue he works for family, and no one will see dan in the Kitchen, I will keep the name of the establishment secret.
But at the very lease I will tell you not to eat in Scappose Oregon.
I just checked my records…
Dan was making on avarage as a “driver” 4.50 a day.
Thats his daily wage.. 3-4 times a week.
(some days she didnt even pay him)
So on Dan’s best week of work he was making a little over 13.00 per week..
Living in a storage container with no toliet, running water, or shower.
Now if some silly Mexican comes up to you and tells you BS about how they only make 30.00 a week working, and have bad water and toliets, and how all Americans have no idea what its like to live in poverty in Mexico, you can tell them the legend of Dan.
Bridge the borders between us and them.
Tell them the legend of Dan. Tell them, it could always be worse, they could make 13.00 per week, have herpes and no money for meds. No running water, no toliet, no shower, and everytime you eat a burritio you briain bust and fry your brian cells.
Tell them. Tell them the legend of Dank.
Bridge our borders. We as a society are not that much better off.. So long as dan is a product of the ole red white and blue.
God bless us all.