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Cameron Highlands

Saturday, December 10th, 2005


The Cameron Highlands remind me of Wales, or at least the Lake District. Think hill walking in the rain. The place is set up in the highlands (hense the name) and the teperature is a lot cooler than other parts of Malaysia, we put on a second layer!! It is a very beautiful area with forests covering the mountains all around this valley where the towns are set. There are strewbery farms, as well as many tea plantations. Something about the soil and the altitude make it good for tea, went around the plantations and it was interesting to here about tea, even if we both drink coffee. The strawberries were very nice.

Went treking around the area following the WELL MARKED paths, hint I’m being sarcastic. for an area which sees so much tourisim and it is on the increase, some hotels being built. It is popular with the locals on weekend trips. The signage of the paths is not the best, even with a very acurate map (sarcasim) we got lost more than once. We had a nice moment on a vertical hill climbing up tree roots without the aid of a saftey harness in a thunder storm getting very wet, were we couldn’t find the end of the path. Two Germans had past us going the other way and told us they couldn’t find it, so we thought we could of course find it, as we had our rain coats and British spirit. Got very wet and had to climb down the tree root staircase which was fat turning into a river. got very wet and our day sacks got soaked, not normaly a problem until u have a bunch of spare clothes in your day sack. It took 3 days for some of that stuff to dry, the worst thing in the world is damp gear. have since brought rain covers for day sacks, believe me you make that mistake once never again. our room was caked in damp stuff, from first aid kits, clothes, to money just lying on the floor while we prayed it would dry out.

Hint if you boots get soaked stuff them with newspaper and repeat the prosess a few hours later, over night they should be dry inside at least.

Enjoied the treking meet a few people while out trying to find a different path, took the 4 of us a while to figure out where to go at one stage. the path is split by construction work and u have to walk around an electricity pilion to find the other end of the path, still on path 9 you have to walk through the hydro electricity plant past the damn to reach the other end of the path.

We did enjoy the treking and the town is also nice serving up some nice food, apple pie and coffe at one of the cafes wnet down very well. All the walking was great esp. after visiting so many towns and beaches recentaly. Just wish it hadn’t rained so much.



Monday, December 5th, 2005

Arrived in Penang George town from Thailand. It was another long drive and a ferry at the end, Penang ia an island in the north west of the country.

Penang is a nice city, has an air of Britishness to it which makes you feel nice inside, even down to the British style Indian Resturant at the end of the main street. Why anyone would want to eat in a British Indian resturant in Malyasia I have no idea, Little India is a 10 minute walk away. It has a strange mix of cultures in Geroge town and the rest of Malaysia; Indians, Chinese, Malay, and Aborigines all live together, with a few westerners mixed in. To walk down a stret which runs stright through China town and into little India, with out so much as a bend in the road is something diferrent. We ate at an Indian the irst night, little India reminded us of India bar the fact it was MUCH cleaner. To walk down a street and me reminded of India and then Hong Kong on the same street made us smile, a great mix of cultures in such a small space.

Penang was alright unfortuantly it rain a lot while we were there, and we hit it after a period of much travelling. So we probabily didn’t get the best out of the area, we did go and see Hary Potter at the cinema instead of going up Penang Hil. Just couldn’t go and watch another sun set view from a big hill. Been there done that, in 5 other countries. Harry potter was good.

A word of warning for people traveling to Penang, don’t stay in the Swiss Hotel, Mozies. got biten to hell, there were more of them in our room than there where outside at night!! being a Chinese hotel the walls don’t reach the cealing, so the insects all get in no problems. it is the only place we could find with twin beds at the time. The Secret Garden in the Lonley Planet isn’t there anymore, it is know star dust, which is a nice resturant and bar showing films at night. The owner is a tre of knowledge on the local area.

left penang for the Cameron Highlands.

The BEACH!!!!!

Thursday, December 1st, 2005
So we heard it has been cold back home in England, Below zero, Snow Even. Well while that was happening at home we were on Phuket Island, South Thiland getting sun burned! ! Karon Beach was a tourist resort full of scandinavian's, ... [Continue reading this entry]


Wednesday, November 30th, 2005
ok, So we flew from Bangkok to Seim Reap!! My bank manager wants a word. Siem reap is a nice litttle town, the beer is cheap happy hour lasts all night, there is enogh choice of different food that you can never ... [Continue reading this entry]

Thailand The Return

Tuesday, November 29th, 2005
Returned to Thailand via, Vientiane Lao Captital over the Friendship Bridge. Got over night train to Pak Chong, and visited the Khao Yai National Park. Stayed in the Khai Yai hostal, Pooh the hostel manager, cook, guide, etc. was great, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Highlights of Thailand

Monday, November 21st, 2005
Finally landed in Bangkok after our slight detor on the flight. Our hotel that we booked a few months ago with STA Travel before we left turned out to be a five star luxury place, we must have had a ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hong Kong

Friday, November 4th, 2005

Arrived in Hong Kong via Bangkok and business class, we arrived at the YMCA about 6 hours later than expected.

We turned on the T.V. and saw the news that Delhi had been bombed, having only left Delhi that morning ... [Continue reading this entry]


Monday, September 5th, 2005
We leave the UK Saturday 8th October 2005 first stop Delhi India. While in India we will hopefully head up to Nepal and Katmandu. We fly out of Delhi for Honk Kong for a short 4 day trip ... [Continue reading this entry]