Cameron Highlands
The Cameron Highlands remind me of Wales, or at least the Lake District. Think hill walking in the rain. The place is set up in the highlands (hense the name) and the teperature is a lot cooler than other parts of Malaysia, we put on a second layer!! It is a very beautiful area with forests covering the mountains all around this valley where the towns are set. There are strewbery farms, as well as many tea plantations. Something about the soil and the altitude make it good for tea, went around the plantations and it was interesting to here about tea, even if we both drink coffee. The strawberries were very nice.
Went treking around the area following the WELL MARKED paths, hint I’m being sarcastic. for an area which sees so much tourisim and it is on the increase, some hotels being built. It is popular with the locals on weekend trips. The signage of the paths is not the best, even with a very acurate map (sarcasim) we got lost more than once. We had a nice moment on a vertical hill climbing up tree roots without the aid of a saftey harness in a thunder storm getting very wet, were we couldn’t find the end of the path. Two Germans had past us going the other way and told us they couldn’t find it, so we thought we could of course find it, as we had our rain coats and British spirit. Got very wet and had to climb down the tree root staircase which was fat turning into a river. got very wet and our day sacks got soaked, not normaly a problem until u have a bunch of spare clothes in your day sack. It took 3 days for some of that stuff to dry, the worst thing in the world is damp gear. have since brought rain covers for day sacks, believe me you make that mistake once never again. our room was caked in damp stuff, from first aid kits, clothes, to money just lying on the floor while we prayed it would dry out.
Hint if you boots get soaked stuff them with newspaper and repeat the prosess a few hours later, over night they should be dry inside at least.
Enjoied the treking meet a few people while out trying to find a different path, took the 4 of us a while to figure out where to go at one stage. the path is split by construction work and u have to walk around an electricity pilion to find the other end of the path, still on path 9 you have to walk through the hydro electricity plant past the damn to reach the other end of the path.
We did enjoy the treking and the town is also nice serving up some nice food, apple pie and coffe at one of the cafes wnet down very well. All the walking was great esp. after visiting so many towns and beaches recentaly. Just wish it hadn’t rained so much.
Tags: Malaysia, Travel
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