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Happy Christmas

Monday, December 26th, 2005


Christams in 28c heat, walking the streets in a t-shirt and shorts, not quite like home. We arrived in singapore on Xmas eve and took a walk around the streets to find 100s of 1000s of people out and about, many spraying silly string a fake snow everywhere. It seeems that a favourate past time for 1000s a younger people is to run around srapying each other with fake snow from a can, we guess it is because it doesn’t snow here. Anyway as yopu walk down roads you often get caught up in the action and wew were covered in foam on a number of occations. To get out of the “snow” and to dry off a little we popped into a bar at 00:30 xmas morning, ordering one PINT (never get pints in Asia) and Amanda’s first glass of Red since HK. The drinks went down very well and we started xmas day the right way.

Christamas day was spent in the company of two very nice Americans Bo and Amber, who we met back in Laos. We went for Christams lunch at a nice hostel resturant on Orcard road the main shopping street in Singapore and where we had been “snowed” the night before. Lunch was a buffet and I had one main course of peppered beef with all the trimmings, includig rice and a popadom. Then on to roughly 3 or 4 desert courses, including xmas cake, icecream, bread pudding, some stuff I’m not sure what it is called but tasted nice. Needless to say we all ate very well and no more food was consumed until lunch on boxing day.