BootsnAll Travel Network



So we flew from Bangkok to Seim Reap!! My bank manager wants a word.

Siem reap is a nice litttle town, the beer is cheap happy hour lasts all night, there is enogh choice of different food that you can never get board. Haven’t even got to the temples yet.

Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Tah Prohm, Amazing. I could sit here and list off how great they where but you would get board, and i would get RSI. Just say the best time to go to any temple is at dawn, sod the sun rising there are less tourists around. Angkor is always full but went around some of the smaller temples and we were the only people there, even the hawkers aren’t active yet!! Tah Prohm being over grown is great between us we took “shit loads of pictures” to quote Amanda, of trees growing out of walls, roofs. some times knocking down a wall, at others holding them up. amazing, and glad we went when we did in the near future they will cut down the trees. this is because if they fall they will destroy a few 500 year + buildings that are already a bit battered. Can imagine how the french felt when they “discovered” this place back in the 1800s, so overgrown steping over tree roots, just great fun.

After 3 days we were a little templed off. After the big three some of the smaller ones, get a bit tiring. Plus we had beeen up since 4.30 am to see sunrise. by 3ish we couldn’t go around any more temples. 2 weeks later and we still can’t.

Enjoyed the whole time in Siem Reap was well worth a vist, the temples are bigger than u can imagine, the town has a laid back feel with some great french bakeries. love the french have been eating baguettes for weeks. best breakfast around.

Flew to Phucket and the beach. Back to Thailand.


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