Rain, Rain Go Away…………
The rainfall during the night was unbelievable – it was so heavy. The clouds are low this morning but dry so far………….We wanted to try the hot springs today and there are so many choices. Tabacon was our forst choice but at $45 each maybe not! We chose Baldi instead at less than half the price. There are 25 pools which range in temperature from 32 to 72 degrees – lots of lush plants and waterfalls. It was also not at all busy so the kids had fun on the waterslides and trying out the giant jacuzzi and other pools. It’s like having a huge bath and getting a massage when you stand under the waterfalls. The only downside was the trashy 90’s European Pop music that was blasting from the speakers.
Of course after a while it started to rain which meant that the steam rising off the water made the whole scene very eerie. We stayed for a while and then decided enough was enough as the rain did not let up and a group of old enthusiastic Americans had started using the waterslides which unfortunately was good fun for them but not pretty to watch!
It continued to rain all afternoon and evening but we sneaked out when it let up for 5 mins to The Lava Rocks cafe for some fab Costa Rican food. Josh had not taken out his waterproof so we had to share my raincoat on the way back – we were both soaked but laughing.
Tags: Central America, Travel
So glad you are having such an interesting and varied trip. From built up New York to outback dirt roads and mini buses. You enjoy every minute and spare just one second to those of us who have to drag ourselves up in the morning to see the same scenery day in and day out. Not that I am complaining, not at all!! – You go girl – miss you lots love to the kids.