North Shore
October 23rd – North Shore
This island has so much to offer we felt like a change of scenery. An hour and a half on the bus takes you to the famous North Shore – surfing capital of the world. We passed the Dole pineapple plantation and arrived at Matsumoto’s store ready to sample the infamous shaved ice. We all had different flavours, got completely sticky but it was yum.
The North Shore is not built up like Waikiki and Honululu but small roads are dotted with shacks and tin roofs. It is a great feel – unspoilt. There are many more locals here, some live on the beach and I felt like a conspicuos tourist walking past. The surfing culture has left it’s mark and the language was sometimes foreign. Everyone is your “bra” not “bro” and I still have no idea what a gromit is. Oh yes and it’s not boogie boarding here – it’s the more dude version – body surfing. I expected to get down to the beach and see lots of surfers riding 10ft waves but apparently the waves arrive in the winter when the towns get packed. We saw a few surfers but not I think they were more beginners. Lost was filmed up here and you can see why…………………..
Got back in time for another fabulous sunset and then time to pack as it’s off to Maui tomorrow.
Tags: Hawaii, Travel
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