February 5th – Byron Bay – Anything But Ordinary
Thursday Plantation was the original tea tree plantation. The story of the founders who basically lived in the bush (wetlands) for years with no running water, electricity to bring tea tree back is amazing. Tea tree is well known again now and was widely used in by Australians in the second world war but afterwards forgotten. You really have to be a bit obsessional to bring something like that back when it took so many hard years. The place is very cool and has a tea tree maze and sculptures in the gardens. I think I became a murderess as we saw a frog with a squashed head on the road and I didn’t notice it on the drive in………………
The view as you descend into Byron Bay is beautiful, we stopped off at the Pat Moran lookout and you can see the bays go round in the distance below you. I always fancied coming here but was not quite sure what to expect – apart from rain. We stayed at the Clarke’s Beach Holiday park which funnily enough is right on the beach. The park is busy and we just squeeze into the last spot and then it is right down to the beach to see what is what. It is raining a little but I fancy a walk and the beach does not disappoint. The bay curves away and it look like you could walk the pale coloured sand for miles. The waves come in from far away and break for ages before they reach the shore. One minute you can be walking with a good distance between you and the water and the next you are up to your knees in water which has swooshed in from nowhere. I walk along to the end of the bay where there are some rocks which are just crying out for exploring and am rewarded by an amazing view and sound show as the waves pound the rocks below.
So picture it – there I am – raincoat and shorts standing on a rock on another beautiful beach looking out to sea. My hair is so frizzed I am well on my way to an 80’s Brian May perm and I just can’t get over the fact that I am here – in Australia. I feel like the French Lieutenant’s woman as I am being battered by the elements, all I need is a cape. I still can’t really believe that I am here and feel a little surprised as to how I came to get here. As I look out to the sea I wonder what I am looking for, does anyone else do that and scan the horizon for something like some huge squid or ship is suddenly going to appear??
I get back to the campervan and the kids are arguing over something stupid so I start to sing “Oh I do like to be beside the seaside” to try and divert them but no luck. Hmmm what’s worse – the rain outside or being stuck inside in a campervan with 2 niggling teenagers – it’s a close one. I pray for some sun tomorrow………………
Tags: Australia, Travel
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