Coathanger View
January 25th
It is so nice to have a lie in. We were right to go out and take photos yesterday as it is overcast today – still hot but cloudy. What to do today?? The famous Paddy’s markets was our first stop but you don’t really want to buy souvenirs after only one day here. There are koalas, kangaroos and boomerangs as far as the eye can see. O’s eye is immediately drawn to the displays of ovals and lots of ooohs and aaahs follow. Josh has his eye on the leather Indiana Jones type hats but O will not let him try on one with corks as it upsets her sense of fashion too much.
We decide to take the ferry again but out to Manly today. Manly beach is what Bondi was 20 years ago (or so we have been reliably informed) and it is beautiful. We enjoy a picnic lunch and watch the surfers and posing teenagers all trying to outdo each other. There is a sand sculpture dedicated to Australia day which is incredible and the generally relaxed vibe of Manly wears off on us.
I would have liked to go to Bondi but the transport links aren’t great and it is late already so we decide to go to Darling Harbour and walk round. By the time we get there it is early evening and as it is Friday the workforce is coming out to celebrate the weekend. The bars are all filling up with the well heeled Sydney workforce and it is nice to just wander round. We pass an enormous P&O cruise liner that is on it’s way out of the harbour with all onboard waving to us – I can’t believe how big the thing is. The ferry on the way back to Circular Quay stops off at Luna Park – a Coney Islandish amusement park. It’s too tempting to sideline so we finish the day watching the sun set and laughing at everyone on the tacky rides.
Tags: Australia, Travel
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