April 4th – A Day At The Seaside
Originally uploaded by roupiesontour
We all slept like logs – no surprise there. The rooms are very quiet and the hotel does not seem that busy. The lady has already discounted our room so if you plan to stay here do not be afraid to haggle. We have swimming pool privileges at a nearby hotel but the beach was just too inviting. There is a long sandy strip with 2 lines of parasols and sun beds that stretch for miles. 2 sunbeds and a parasol cost about £3 for the day. On the way we bought a blow up ball and a big rubber ring – well you have to look the part don’t you. The water is calm and there is a shelf near the edge that has some great waves so we spent the day floating on the ring, playing in the waves or 3 of us hanging onto the ring and floating off. The water is so clear you can see your legs and it looks more shallow than it is. The blow up ball was lost as the current took it very quickly out to sea. A motor boat collected it but Josh was too embarrassed to go and get it.
“Entrepreneurs” went up and down the beach selling everything from ice creams to suit cases. I can’t imagine anyone sunbathing wanting to purchase a suitcase but you can’t blame them for trying. I love people watching on the beach – the array of unsuitable swimwear is astounding. Why do women over 50 go topless and men over 40 wear the tightest Speedos? There’s a reason that swimming costumes and boarder shorts were invented. We kept trying to persuade Josh to go for a Borat thong and parade up and down the beach but he wasn’t having any of it.
The kids were slathered with sun cream and my sister was gently reminded to be very careful but by the end of the day I had burnt my bum (again and this is always were I put most sunscreen), my sister was red basically all over with a couple of nice white stripes, Josh’s face was on fire and he had a rubber ring shaped mark on his back. O escaped completely. The Aloe Vera (where did the Vera bit come from?) came in very handy and was kept in the fridge for extra comfort. By the evening my sister was really suffering but O kept us amused with her descriptions of the famous English dish Toad In The Pole – don’t ask
Tags: SE Asia, Travel
Really nice travel blog and quality content, thanks for sharing.
Greetings from Georgian Tour Operator