BootsnAll Travel Network

Next stop Aix en Provence

Vanessa says: Greetings or should I say Bonjour! We made it off the ship this morning with only mild annoyances (for some reason their records showed we were to get off the ship yesterday morning so there were a few explanations we had to make throughout yesterday when our sea pass cards made funny sounds in their card readers). This morning we got our rental car and booted it to Aix en Provence. We arrived here earlier than we expected…and we needed it since it turns out yours truly here (Vanitzia for those following along) is not so swell of a navigator down these medieval goat trails. And Mom you will sympathize with Hope because I hadn’t quite eaten enough this morning so I was getting the shakes and turning a bit (okay a lot) snarly about the whole thing. But Spiranza took it all in stride. We seem to have a good balance that way. She just fed me one of her yummy pumpkin granola bars and in short time I was back and good to go.

So we finally found our B&B…it’s…interesting. A teeny room with a loft for our beds. But we do have our own bathroom and it’s quite modern. Right now Hope is napping and I am in the hosts living room using the free wifi (yay!!). We wandered around the old town, of which we’re in a very good location for walking. It’s colder here. We left Toulon and it was beautiful and sunny and got to Aix en Provence, an hour northwest, and it was overcast and chilly. Not sure what the weather will be like tomorrow but we will definately dress warmer for it. We picked up w baguette, some wonderful cheeses and fruit and some local red wine…I’m looking forward to this treat tonite.

Well, I shall sign off as Hope may want to blog next. Au revoir!


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