BootsnAll Travel Network

Le chat devant moi (the cat in front of me)

Everything is provincial as they say. This place is bustling with people. Apparently everyone comes to town on Saturdays, and we saw them all. Finally, Vanessa and I did not feel so out out place as the humidity picked up due to the threat of rain, and frizzy hair seems “la mode” here so it’s not just us. We have not figured out how to defrizz since arriving in Europe. While we love Europe with all it’s splendor, for us (from Calgary where humidity is measured in the negatives) it has meant frizzy hair and zits , but we have managed.

We have no itinerary tomorrow, were going to do wine tours, but for some reason the wineries are all closed this week – quelle insulte – did they not know I was coming to town?

It’s a quaint town, we will likely do the museum as it has a section on Cezanne, I studied him in University.

Alors, I must bid you adieu, we have bread, cheese, fresh figs, wine to consume – all of which we picked up at stores within a block of the B&B where we are staying. Speaking of this place, you should see it, it’s uh, different, an old medieval building, that was remodeled about 200 hrs ago.

Bonne soirée a tous


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