BootsnAll Travel Network

Desastre no’s 2 and 3

Arrive Paris, full of energy and excitement into rush hour crowds flowing into one of e busiest train stations in the world. Wow, Parisienne hustle and bustle. Get tickets for metro to take us to our B&B. Get on the train, 4 stops, get off the train, grab taxi, it’s chiller here, been raining, but lovely with leaves carpetting the sidewalk. The lights are glistening off the wet sidewalks. Ah,,,,Paris.

WHAM – enter B&B only to get verbally abused by the crusty old bitch who owns the place for about 10 minutes before she calls in reinforcement from her husband and together they bereate me for another 30 minutes – welcome to Paris I guess. Once in a while during the berating, a bit of mental instability peaks through and they would try to be nice between the insults and berating. All this in French, and Vanessa can follow enough to know it is not good, hell a marshian would know from the thick frost alone.

It turns out, she never got all the details of our reservation, or any of the messages I sent (4 in total) as the poor dear was in “the country” this past month, roughing it without internet or a land line. It was ALL my fault, according to her. We had requested 2 separate beds, like the ad had shown. We arrived and the beds were pushed together and made up for a couple. Well, you’d think the world had gone to hell because we asked for them to be separated. I even offered if she left the sheets, we’d do it ourselves. WELL, there was the insult. Not only did i insult her, she had an a ppt, her housekeeper was gone and she didn’t know how to do that, but she bitched and whined the whole time she did it and made no bones about letting me know every 5 seconds how rude I was, what an inconvenience we were for her, she would never rent to Canadians again, if we wanted to find another place in the morning, she invited us to do that….then, “what time and what would you 2 ladies like for breakfast” -HUH?

So Vanessa and I left the bags packed and headed out in search of new digs while the COB (Crotchety Old Bitch) went out for her appointment ( or so we thought). We totally lucked out, hotel room from heaven and we were received by Adil, who I almost married on the spot. He was so nice to us and still is. So the day ended well aft all that, have no idea if we will get our pre-paid room money back, or if Hertz decided to gouge the heck out of us since we weren’t there for the drop off inspection lest we miss our 2nd train. But even if the COB doesn’t give our money back, we could not have stayed there, she would have likely poisoned us,,,and then you know how it goes, there’d be an investigation, an award winning book, and then movie rights….too much drama. Paris has the Hunchback, it doesn’t need to be upstaged by we2bluberries on the big screen.

I left a bag on the train with some precious items in it. I realized it about 10 minutes later, was allowed to go back and get it, it was there, but half of the items were missing so we are on a mission tomorrow to lost and found to see if they were stolen or turned in. Nothing irreplaceable, but some favorite items and personal mementos acquired on this trip.

So today we did retail a therapy to recover, I had enough therapy to be almost 100%. We’re going for dinner now, then maybe watch a film in our room. Tomorrow the Louvre, Notre Dame and a little Longchamps! Bon sour a tous

Esperance and Venezia


2 responses to “Desastre no’s 2 and 3”

  1. Jackie Deveau says:

    Wow and to think I was afraid to fall in the Nile when I was in Egypt. That would have been a walk in the park (water) actually, compared to that. Good thing that you parler vous le francais aye kiddo.
    Enjoy the rest of the trip.
    Mom (jackie)

  2. Mom says:

    Hi again Girls! Sorry to hear about all the frustrations & mayhem you`ve gone through, but just remember, as long as it`s nothing insurmountable, that`s what memories are made of!!! I sure hope (Hope) that you retrieve your lost items…bummer, if you don`t!….And the B&B money, too! Sounds like you gave Joan de Arc the old one/two: Good for you!!! Looks like you picked a winner with the Clarion. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Paris.Have fun…take care & be safe! Love, Mom

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