BootsnAll Travel Network

Aching feet

Hello everyone. The two blueberries are tired tonite. Today we braved our way around the metro stations to make our way back to the Gare de Lyon, hoping to obtain the items Hope lost on the train the other day. Unfortunately our luck did not extend that far…the items were not there apparently (though they wouldn’t let her look at what they had so seemed kind of shady). And – surprise – more rudeness from the French again today. LOL well, we’ve also seen plenty of very friendly folks too…but it’s not as much fun talking about them 🙂

Second stop today we visited the magnificent Notre Dame cathedral. It was spectacular. Then we wandered over to the lewver as I’ve been saying much to Hope’s chagrin. Okay the “Loevre”. It was okay. Heehee Really it was fabulous too but we only had enough energy to see 1.5 hrs worth, so made our way to the Mona Lisa then to Napolean’s apartments. Indescribable really. Hope will give you more detail later when she finds blogging time. We then made our way back down to our hotel. We basically walked for 8 straight hours…thus the title of this post. I’m not sure how excited I will be to sightsee tomorrow, but our plans are to see the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. But we are flexible and plans often change where we are concerned.

More updates to follow. Please keep those comments coming if you are reading our blog – we appreciate hearing from you!

Bonsoir and chat with you all again soon.



7 responses to “Aching feet”

  1. Ali M says:

    woah 8 hrs of walking? You guys can do the Sinai mountains with me in the summer with that kind of stamina!

  2. Dad says:

    It is with a great deal of interest that we are following the ongoing saga of you two beautiful, perky, Canadian babes in Europe! It is so great that Hope has her command of the French language to help get out of the quirky situations tha invariably arrive at the most inopportune times. As in most countries, I’m sure you will find a lot more wonderful people than the other kind, and I see you are finding your share of them, instead of the COB’s. It is Remembrance day here, and I’m sure there will be many ceremonies in Europe remembering the Canadian soldiers who lost their lives fighting for the freedom of Europe, and the rest of the world. It would be disastrous for you two to lose each other in a crowd. Hope would feel Vanessaless, and Vanessa would be, well, Hopeless.

  3. Jackie Deveau says:

    Well Vanessa that is the nature of the french from what I have heard. Everyone who has been over there comment on the rudeness, arrogant aholes.
    Glad you saw the Mona Lisa, that would be at the top of my list.
    Soak the old feet tonight and hit the roads again tomorrow.
    MOM (jackie)

  4. Mom says:

    Sorry girls. I seem to have done a double/double!!! That 1st message disappeared on me. I had no idea where it went! (Must be the computer`s fault; let`s say so anyway). I`ll try to avoid that in the future!! TaTa..Love, MOM, AGAIN….

  5. Mom says:

    Hello again; So happy to hear from y`all! Oh, your poor aching feet… I can truly sympathise. About the rudeness…you took the words right out of Aunt Christiana`s mouth, if you recall!!! Magnificent sights to see, but how`s the cuisine? Have you had the creme brulee,yet?

    Hello again, girls! So good to hear from you. I`ve been waiting patiently. Sorry to hear about your poor feet….I can truly sympathise!! Magnificent sights to see but how`s the cuisine? Any creme brulee on the horizon? About the rude…..You took a leaf out of Auntie Christy`s book….remember…. ah, well chalk it up to memories. Gotta go now…may check in later. Take care; love Mom

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