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January 17, 2005Where'd all the pictures go?
With the new pictures, the primary page was taking forever to load. So now instead of seeing them on the primary page, there's a link within the post to "Continue Reading..." Click there for the pictures. I won't get to the Bangkok pictures today becuase there are so many to go through and it takes forever to post pictures because they each have to be resized and saved, then uploaded and added to the specific post. However I did add many New Zealand, KL and a lots of great Chiang Mai pictures. Its hard to believe we head back home in two weeks. It's funny, I'm really itching to get back home - back to work, back to my house, cats, friends etc. However, we're not tired of traveling yet. The people, cultures, food, and unique experiences have been endless. My perspective has been adjusted by this trip. It would be hard to come here and not have a change. Like one of my mentors always says "Get back to the basics". That's what there is here - the basics. I see all the excess that we have and it seems crazy. It's not just Rick and I, but the excess in the US in general - from food portions to.....housing to....you name it. It's more than just that, but I'd be here forever writing - so lets just say that ultimately I am humbled by this experience. The next two weeks we'll be in Hong Kong, South Africa and Rio. Talk about different cultures! Ok, time to go. I need another famous Thai massages - 1 hour costs $2.50, but when I stay for two hours there's a discount and it's only $4. Ahhhhh. I'll post again soon. Posted by Susan & Rick on January 17, 2005 04:39 AM
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