Rick, Susan and the World Our first RTW Journey |
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January 18, 2005Christchurch Pictures
We've been so busy in New Zealand and then in Thailand that I haven't got a chance to update the website in awhile. Here are some pictures for a start.
Christchurch - the view from the top of the Cathedral tower Susan in the Tower stairway - 134 steps to the top. The beautful stained glass rosette and mosic pictures on the inside back wall of the Cathedral More Cathedral Pictures Rick and I went to the Antartica center in New Zealand - about as close as we were going to get....since we stood on a water vile from there, can that count? When we're done with this trip, that's our last remaining continent. With my lack of fondness for cold & snow, it will be a while before we ever actually go there.
Really cool/freaky antartic sea creatures
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