Rick, Susan and the World Our first RTW Journey |
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November 28, 2004New Gadgets
Ok, we admit it, we're technology gadget lovers! As so, we were able to justify some good scores for our trip. Rick thought a portable DVD player would be a good idea for our 5 (yes 5!) 10+ hour flights. Lucky for us, Fry's had a "Black Friday" special on a portable DVD player - turns out it was a steal! My wonderful husband got up super early to stand in line at Frys at 5am and of course was able to get the goods. It is very compact, has a great picture, even stores music and can be a larger monitor for a smaller display device. After our trip, we'll use it as the DVD player for our upstairs TV. I wanted to get something that would let us backup our digital camera pictures - just incase something was damaged, lost or stolen. Archos GMini 400 to the rescue! It is this really cool - super small device with a 20GB Harddrive that takes our CF card directly so we can copy over our pictures, has a nice color display for photo playback, plays MP3s, has games, even plays video/movies plus all sorts of other cool things. Should be here next week and I'll be in technology heaven! Comments
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