In Search of the Poets A pilgrimage to Russia & Eastern Europe |
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July 05, 2004In Search of Seifert
Wandered the streets of Prague, the ultra-romantic city, today, and searched in vain for a billingual edition of Seifert's poetry. In my search, however, I discovered many beautiful parts of the city. At first, I was a little put off, because everyone around me spoke English or German and I felt a bit like I'd joined one giant tour group. But after a while, this feeling passed, and I adjusted to the unique feel and mood here. First I crossed the Charles Bridge and admired all the statues along it (in spite of the massive amounts of tourist stands and tourists themselves). After a brief rain shower, during which I had breakfast, I walked through Old Town and saw the astronomical clock, St. Nicholas' Church, and the National Theatre. Also took a boat tour on this neat kind of wood boat, which was nice because I learned about the city and it wasn't very crowded and not as touristy as some of the other boats. This evening after buying you all postcards, I went to see the Czech Philharmonic at the Smetana Hall of the The Municipal House. The music was favorite was the symphony no 9 by the Czech composer Dzvorak. It was so lovely, being in this beautiful theatre, listening to this amazing music. Afterwards I wandered outside through the darkening, but brightly lit streets, and had coffee and dessert at a little cafe. So, more on Prague to come... Hey, have you started receiving any postcards yet? I hope the Russian ones arrive okay! Comments
No postcards yet. But with the 4th of July Holiday the post is probably delayed. Posted by: mom on July 6, 2004 07:13 PMNot even from Berlin?! I sent those way back in the beginning of June!! Well, just for the record, I sent postcards! Posted by: Beth on July 6, 2004 09:25 PMYa, ya, Deutsche postkarte haben wir, aber Russich nicht! Posted by: mom on July 8, 2004 06:50 PMYes! Two so far...and ohh soo beautiful! Awe...the awe. ;) Sorry for the skipped a bit harried right now with Global Conferences, Team Meeting Planning and my new Management role. Ack. Wish I were tripping the light fantastic. Posted by: Gina on July 9, 2004 05:16 AM |
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