In Search of the Poets A pilgrimage to Russia & Eastern Europe |
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* Home Again, Home Again
* Wien Wieder Sehen (Definitely!) * Wunderschones Wien! * Voyage on the Blue Danube (In Pictures) * Better in Budapest * Bronchitis in Budapest * 287 Steps!! * In Search of Seifert * Countryside Train, Czech-In! * Szymborska, Sight-free Day * Krakow Check-In * Warsawa, Marie Curie, English Teachers * Da svidanya! * 'Snow', Uma, Pushkin & General St. Pete's Nostalgia * Thelma's Tour Guide * Peter's Palaces, Fountains, Boats * Dostoyevsky, Rooftops, Trams, Springer News * Hermitage * Rain, Sunsets, Ballet, Neva, Music, Music, Music! * Anna, Vodka, Lilacs & Elf Shoes
May 25, 2004Eve of Departure
With all the planning and anticipation of the last few weeks, the thing that surprises me the most is how much support and encouragement I've received. In the last two days it feels like friends have gone out of their way to call me, to wish me bon voyage, send me an email, and give me their blessings. Different people have reached out to me in unexpected and surprising ways. Father Jerry at St. Paul's not only prayed for my voyage, but then all the old ladies in the congregation (I went to early service) surrounded me with big smiles and hugs. Folks in my writing group not only remembered my trip but sent me out of the last critique group with advice and blessings. A break-up always shakes your confidence, raises demons of self-doubt and makes you re-evaluate yourself. So all of this encouragement and acknowledgement of what this pilgrimage means to me has been very meaningful and overwhelming. I feel like I'm leaving with an overflowing, abundant cover of love and care. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So..onward! Hopefully, my next post will be from Hamburg! Comments
WO HOO! My sister rocks! Off she goes! Go Beth, Go! Onward and upward and beyond...and with the prayers of many behind you and in front of you! Posted by: pooka pequena on May 25, 2004 07:39 PMDo svidanya, Elisabet. Ruski yazik ochen horosho. Pishet nam! >>Good bye, Elizabeth. The Russian language is very good. Write to us! Posted by: susie on May 25, 2004 10:33 PMWow! What an awesome daughter! I am so proud of you! Your courage and stamina are inspiring. May you feel our prayers everyday and be blessed by those whom you meet along the way. Posted by: Mom on May 26, 2004 12:59 AMYou rock! Have a super duper time in Europe! Of course, if anything goes wrong, you can blame me for it (ha ha ha). I'm waving my TDF magic wand for you. Amy Oh, and the most important trave tip that I need to tell you *&*^%$#@@*&^$#$^&*... Taking a moment from the taunting waist high weeds claiming picketing rights to my favorite 90 yr old grapevine, I'm enlivened by the idea that you are finally off on your inspired travels...embracing your wanderlust...breathing free from seed/spore induced sneezes... with an open mind and an open heart...and open nasal passages! What strikes me at this moment? Well, nothing. I'm on the couch. Flipping channels in an attempt to fill my day with excitement. It's actually working, so apparently I've mastered the art of lowering my expectations...but I digress. In this moment I'm taking (which is actually taking up to about 20 minutes now...ahhh how the mighty procrastinate), I can think of one thing my esteemed friend Beth can do for me!! If you see a sign that when translated states something like "city of peak experiences" remember to take a picture! Posted by: Gina on May 26, 2004 04:09 AMToday First So, you know which part of your trip I will most enjoy experiencing vicariously through you. You've got a couple weeks to practice, but you'll want to remember a few phrases while in St.P's. Here's the first: "Нет, Вы не можете иметь моих денег" (Nyet, vi ne mozhet imet moih deneg" (or dollari) >> No, you can't have my money. |
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