In Search of the Poets A pilgrimage to Russia & Eastern Europe |
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May 10, 2004Upper-Body Wimp
Ten minutes picking out eye drops... I finally have everything purchased for the trip! I've finally made neat little lists for each little kit that is going in my bag! I've finally packed all my neat little kits! I've finally ran back to the store for all the crap that I forgot! I've finally repacked all my little kits! AND MY BAG IS TOO HEAVY!!* How does this happen? I am a research FREAK. I realized this standing in the cosmetics aisle on Sunday when I caught myself consumed for literally minutes staring at the eye drops trying to decide how badly I needed them, and if the more expensive brand in the smaller bottle (.04 fl. oz. instead of .08 fl. oz.) was worth the price. CRAZINESS!! How do we get reduced to this? What happened to the spontaneity and fun of it all? The sense of adventure, the call of the wild, the siren song of the open road? No, instead its Sunday afternoons analyzing eye drops while other, normal, ordinary people are having picnics, watching ballgames, doing laundry. (Okay, I hate doing laundry. I'd rather buy eye drops. But you get the idea.) What gives, travel people? I'm a Libra, I'm supposed to have BALANCE. I guess that's the key. At some point you say, screw it, and you JUST GO. Unfortunately, I still have two weeks left. So the madness continues....
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