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May 15, 2004Amy's Tips (as in advice, not as in Carrows)
Amy, my travel hero (of lets-drop-everything-and-go-to-Tokyo- for-the-weekend fame), gave me a lot of helpful tips for traveling. Well, I say helpful, but that's really jumping the gun, isn't it? Because until I've actually gone on my trip, I won't know for sure. It could be all her advice is just a bunch of irrelevant, useless blathering designed to set me up for major catastrophe while she laughs loudly from her safe, air-conditioned apartment in Texas. Not that Texas is particularly safe, being that its given birth to Shrub, but moving on... To the point - I am recording Amy's tips here so that I can review them periodically while on the road. Not that this is an objective measure of the validity of her ideas, which were meant in total good spirit anyway, and not that I don't trust you, Amy,'s the tips! Amy's Tips
Okay, Am, post if I missed anything. And thank you for letting me expose your travel wisdom to the world. (You know I love you and guess're stuck in Texas so you can't kill me until I visit. Ha.) Comments
Have a wonderful (and safe) trip! Know it will be the experience of a lifetime!!! Remember to rotate through your shoes whenever possible as they rub different parts of your feet and are less likely to end in blisters (at least in the same place!!) :) Posted by: Gina on May 26, 2004 03:13 AM |
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