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The Stuff that Didn't Fit In Anywhere Else
Divine Providence Stuck Between a Rock and a Hurricane D.C. to Duke Turkish Delights Istanbul (Not Constantinople) And Now For Something Completely Different Myanmar: The Land of the Lost Heading Off the Beaten Path Disaster Averted and Paradise Found Culture shock continued... From Laos to Bangkok...starting culture shock in 3..2...1...now A Happy Chinese Moment Welcome to Laos...where are all the Lao people? Are We There Yet?; and China redeems itself Movin' on Out... Hell is the China Post Changing perspectives Disney China is much easier than Real China Mainland China, or goodbye English, hello crazy gestures and blank stares
September 14, 2004The Stuff that Didn't Fit In Anywhere Else
Everyone loves a list and we have all sorts of little wonderful nuggets of humor to share so why not make an entry of random thoughts? Here are some of the highs and lows of our trip and things that just made us laugh (or cry) along the way. Transportation We managed to do Steve Martin and John Candy a few better by not only doing planes, trains and automobiles, but also tuk tuks, horse carts, ferries, tri-shaws, pedi-cabs, motobikes and buses...lots and lots of buses. People overlook the "travel" part of traveling. Here is a sample of what we endured: Plane Trips: 9 Airlines: Korean Air, China Southern, China Eastern, Myanmar Air International, Yangon Airways, Egypt Air and Delta Best Airline Food: Korean Air wins for its traditional meal called bibimbap (not to be confused with Hanson...who happened to be on the flight.) Longest Bus Trip: 16 hours from Yangon to Mandalay in Myanmar Worst Bus Trip: See above...tied with going from the Chinese border to Luang Prabang in Laos Best Buses: Turkey Best Public Transportation: Hong Kong Weirdest Transportation Experience: Trying to take a horse cart to the ruins of Bagan, Myanmar. The horse had no desire to go anywhere so we were actually pulled for about a mile by the driver while he made sea lion noises at the horse. Shawn also remembers he's allergic to horses. Food Best Unusual Breakfast: Bhumiyama Resort in Ko Chang, Thailand where Jennifer had fish, squid and shrimp for breakfast most mornings. Most Likely to Send us to the Dentist: Baklava in Turkey. One small piece has about 7,500 calories. Intestinal Distress: Began in Kunming, China...continues off and on indefinitely. Best Asian Beer: Beerlao in Laos What the?!: Guy in Myanmar passing us on a motor scooter with a live hog strapped over the seat. Best Happy Hour: The Cruisin' Gate gay bar in Luang Prabang, Laos. Shots of lao lao whiskey two for $.20. Lodging Worst Hotel: Rui Feng Hotel in Jinghong, China. Lonely Planet described it as "clean with carpeting." It did have carpeting. And cockroaches. Best Hotel: Bhumiyama Resort in Ko Chang, Thailand. An outrageous splurge at $50 a night, but well worth it for luxurious amenities, great service and great pool. Best Hotel Name: Fawlty Towers in Yangshuo, China. You have to appreciate a hotel named after a British sitcom in the middle of China. Best Hotel Staff: Okinawa Guest House in Yangon, Myanmar. The manager is Min Aung and he became our favorite person of the whole trip. Smallest Bathroom: Paris Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey. Shawn learns that he can sit on the toilet, rest his head on the sink and shower all at the same time. (See "Intestinal Distress" above.) Funniest Moments Best Signs of the Trip: "Care the lovely plants" - Seen on a planter in Hong Kong; "Please close door before opening trousers" - On bathroom door of Cafe de Camel in Kunming, China; "Dear Sir or Madam: Please cherish food, thanks!" - at the breakfast buffet of the Camelia Hotel in Kunming, China; "Thickly Settled" - Road sign in Sunderland, Massachusetts Best Reaction Upon Finding Out We're American: Turkish restaurant owner Nuri Aslan - "Seriously?" Best Reality Check that Americans have it too Good: When Min Aung of the Okinawa Guest House asked us how much Shawn's Teva sandals cost. Upon telling him they were $60 he began laughing hysterically. He may still be laughing. Best and Worst Top Five Worst Things: 5. Arriving in a new place at 5:00 a.m. after an all night bus ride Top Ten Best Things: 10. Bicycle ride with a local in Yangshuo, China Comments
I still think you both are completely nuts, just wish my better half would let me do the same..... Welcome Back. Posted by: whitey on September 28, 2004 12:16 PM |
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