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July 15, 2004Disaster Averted and Paradise Found
We were probably due for something bad to happen to us. What better place than when we finally arrive at Thailand's famous beautiful beaches? After a five hour bus ride and 45 minute boat ride, we arrived at Ko Chang, Thailand's second largest island, but only lightly developed compared to the more southern beaches. We jumped on board a pickup along with about a dozen other travelers. As the back was full we were told to sit in the cab and our packs were thrown on top with everyone else's. We were heading to the truck's last stop on the far end of the island. The trip, besides being uncomfortable, went well enough with stops every so often to drop people off at their chosen beaches. When we finally reached the end of the line we paid our driver and I told him we needed to grab our bags. He stared at us blankly. I motioned to the roof of the vehicle and said, "our bags are up there." He stared a second longer and shook his head. Getting out of the pickup, I knew what I'd see when I looked up there. Sure enough, no bags to be seen. Trying to fight off the panic that rises when you realize all of your worldly possessions are gone, we calmly asked him where the hell our bags were and he indicated he must have unloaded them about 15 minutes back at the last stop along with all the other bags. His lack of English skills didn't allow me to question him as to why he might unload every bag while he still has two passengers left. We told him we wanted to return to the last beach and hope that our bags were still there. He was reluctant to help because he wanted to go home. He said we should get a taxi and go back and check for them. Yes...that's a brilliant suggestion. We made the proper threats that bypass a language barrier to illustrate that he was that taxi that would be taking us back. He sighed and we returned. It was the longest trip of our lives as we pondered what to do without all of our stuff. When we returned there were no bags to be found. We looked around like idiots for a few minutes before some Thai women working at a restaurant nearby started jabbering to our driver. He listened and when they stopped talking he looked at me and said nothing. Apparently he forgot I don't speak Thai. Yelling in his face, "What?" He pointed to a guesthouse by the beach and indicated they were there. Jennifer decided to stay and guard our prisoner so he couldn't run off and I went to investigate. It's hard to picture if you haven't been here, but there are hundreds of huts along the beaches here and they're all tucked amidst winding trails and coconut palms. I was having absolutely no luck finding the guesthouse. As I backtracked to the main road to start over I ran into Jennifer coming toward me. I'll paraphrase what she said happened... Apparently our driver decided he'd done his bit and was going to leave. Jennifer told him he couldn't leave because it was his fault we were in this mess. He said he had to go home. Jennifer said no. He said yes. Jennifer said no. He drove off and Jennifer shouted some English at him that apparently he did know. He slammed on his brakes and shouted it back at her. This was all done to the enjoyment of both locals and travelers in the nearby restaurants. It's probably best he was gone before I got back to the road as my urge to kick him hard in the crotch was growing overwhelming. The both of us went back to the beaches and checked guesthouse by guesthouse until at last we found my pack. A traveler told us they knew something was wrong when two packs were left behind and two people were left in the truck. (A stunning bit of logic that was beyond our driver.) They carried our very heavy packs with them to the guest house. They carried Jennifer's pack to the next guesthouse over looking for its owner. Now, no matter how bad things are going, we can at least say, "Remember that time we almost lost our packs?" and continue on. We'll be eternally grateful to our fellow travelers for helping us out. With that past us we decided to find a place to stay. We were in a royally bad mood at this point and I made the ultimatum that we would stop at the first nice place we found. We found a resort that cost $50 a night. That's where we stopped for two nights. Our daily budget is $30 so some new math was required to justify this. However, we greatly enjoyed our few days of luxury. We have since moved next door to the more traditional backpacker huts that are $4 a day. Our bathroom's a little scary, our air conditioning was replaced by a fan and mosquito net and satellite television has been replaced by watching the geckos run around on the walls, but it's not that bad. We're on a beautiful beach and we have nothing to do but sit and enjoy life. Sometimes its easy to lose perspective. Comments
Yikes. Like they say, "never let it out of your sight". Though that's sometimes impossible. (Something tells me it won't be happening to you again though.) So Sean, I don't even know you, but it's official. I'm addicted to your blog. You've been BOOKMARKED! Glad you got your bags back. Keep up the good traveling and good writing. And thanks. Cheers, Travis Posted by: Travis on July 16, 2004 01:25 PMI probably would've Thai round kicked that guy if he would've attempted to take off on me. That would've brought the locals to my side, as they probably would've thought they were getting a free muay thai match in the streets. Glad to read it worked out and that you're enjoying the beaches. Have a glass of Thai icea tea for me. Posted by: Nik Havert on July 16, 2004 03:02 PMjennifer.....how bold have you become? I guess that's a side to you that I haven't seen. Way to go! Your mom just gave me this website so here I am, trying to catch up on all this and lo and behold - you've lost everything. Waiting for the next adventure.....aunt anna. Posted by: Aunt Anna on July 16, 2004 04:24 PMI'm glad our near disaster brought some entertainment for the masses. Travis - You're right about not letting it out of your sight, but sometimes its just not avoidable. Once they've crammed their 14 people in the back of the pick up truck, it's bags up top. We do keep a much closer eye these days though...thanks for bookmarking us.:) I'm hoping to surpass Google soon on hits a month. Nik - I would have liked to open up some muay thai on the guy myself. I was thinking of just hitting him with a rock...I think that's allowed in official rules though. Anna - Jennifer's been moving steadily from good girl to hell raiser since I've known her. I think she's a bad influence on me. Posted by: Shawn on July 20, 2004 06:20 AMAnna, It's amazing what things will actually come out of your mouth when you think that everything you own is lost. And it's not like I could reason with the guy....he just kept saying "I go home now." I know that you know who the real "influence" is. Posted by: Jennifer on July 20, 2004 06:31 AMIf you are still there in KO CHang..a friend recommended a place called the Tree house... when are you hitting Siem Riep...maybe I will bump into you guys there... Posted by: Madhu on July 20, 2004 08:27 AMHey, we're all waiting for more here... I've got you bookmarked and want to hear more! I second the Cambodia/ Thai request. By the way I'm from the PDX area. Have fun! Posted by: Shonda on July 21, 2004 08:39 PMDamn, there is an AMAZING place called The Mangrove that is on the southern end after Lonely BEach that is top notch to stay at. Glad you enjoyed- I though Koh CHang was great. Posted by: PhotoChick on July 27, 2004 11:10 PM |
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