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June 04, 2004Everything but the kitchen sink...
I thought it might of interest to both those who are thinking of doing a trip like ours and those who just plain don't get it, to see what we're taking along. We did our final packing today and while it looks like a lot, it all fits nicely in a medium-sized backpack with some room to spare. Even though I think we did well at not packing too much useless junk, I am sure there will be things that after a week or two will have us wondering what exactly we were thinking. Luckily, we don't really have anything worth sending back. If it is not being used we'll either trash it or trade it for accomodations and/or drugs. This will probably be our last entry from the U.S. of A. When next you hear from us we will be writing from somewhere that uses pictures for words and household pets for nutrition. Here's the Grand List of Things We're Taking (And for all our lovely friends who choose to mock our list, you try to think of everything you use over the course of a year.): Shawn Mountainsmith Ghost backpack (3100 cubic inches) Jennifer Marmot Femme Nikita backpack (3100 cubic inches) Whew! I know it looks like a lot, but trust me when I say that my bag is still about a third empty and Jennifer's has room as well. Some of this stuff is actually being carried on our desposable carry on bags, but most of it will end up in the packs so I just did a big list. If you actually made it to the bottom of this list then you're among our true friends. You may lord that honor over all our pseudo-friends who quit reading somewhere around "Swiss army knife." -- Shawn Comments
Kobbage and Jennifer. your lists sound like not even close enough for me! What about all the comforts of everyday living? Lots of shoes, TV CDs, chocolate, you know, all that goodness?! Im a little in awe your going on such a journey and a little envious of the grand adventure you're beginning together. Have a great, safe and fun trip. We sure miss u at work, Kobbage. We had to move on to Brandon being the butt of all our jokes now. :) Take care! Posted by: Crystal on June 5, 2004 06:30 AMhey guys...i find it interesting...kobbage bringing several condoms (thats my boy!, you going to check out that place we were talking about? boo ya! :) ) and yet jennifer is bringing no protection...see shawn...thats a big hint ur not getting any on this trip...at all...ever,but there is good news,my marriage sucked and I can tell you first hand you can last up to 2 years with nothing but ur friend the bottle of hand lotion...anyway..um, sounds like u have everything. except porn,if jennifers not putting u might want to consider bringing some..thats just my opinion. have a great trip guys,hope to see you again someday. Posted by: mike grimm on June 5, 2004 06:31 AMBe sure to make a post of how much of that stuff you end up sending home each time you buy cool shit on the road. By the way, good on ya re: tank tops. It's all about the tank tops. Have a nice flight! Posted by: delara on June 5, 2004 05:55 PMI'm off to Thailand on my RTW in 6 weeks, and am using your packing list as a base for my trip! Good luck on your travels! Riz Yay! I can consider myself one of your true friends! I think you're right, Shawn, you either have the travel bug or you don't. While I believe I don't, I respect that you and Jennifer do and I am a bit jealous of your courage and your ability to be content in any location! I'm looking forward to the day when we'll see you both again (Peema, too!) and can't wait to hear personal accounts of your grand adventures! I'm praying for your safety! Miss you both, No gum? Gum would be good to trade, as would pictures of the Dalai Lama, should you head far north. Also, a kukri would be handy should you need to fend off several people or decapitate a goat. I'm not sure if your Swiss Army knife is big enough for such a task. Posted by: Nik Havert on June 9, 2004 11:30 PMI just sort of figured a kukri was a given. Who doesn't travel with one? Posted by: Shawn on June 10, 2004 02:29 AMI'm glad to see you brought a frisbee and took my advice. Now you can force Jen to play with you, make nice meals for each other with fruit and other goodies and have a handy dandy plate, to boot! I'm not going to comment on Grimm's msg..... Glad to hear you made it over there safely and are figuring your way round the chaos that is asia. You'll love most of it, despise some of it, and have fun doing most anything. drop me a line, if you get a chance, and let me know how things are going and to allow me to relive my travels vicariously through the 2 of you. Be safe, have fun, and keep us all posted. Jeff Posted by: Jeff Wood on June 11, 2004 07:06 AM |
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