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The Stuff that Didn't Fit In Anywhere Else
Divine Providence Stuck Between a Rock and a Hurricane D.C. to Duke Turkish Delights Istanbul (Not Constantinople) And Now For Something Completely Different Myanmar: The Land of the Lost Heading Off the Beaten Path Disaster Averted and Paradise Found Culture shock continued... From Laos to Bangkok...starting culture shock in 3..2...1...now A Happy Chinese Moment Welcome to Laos...where are all the Lao people? Are We There Yet?; and China redeems itself Movin' on Out... Hell is the China Post Changing perspectives Disney China is much easier than Real China Mainland China, or goodbye English, hello crazy gestures and blank stares
June 01, 2004Pretty'n up the place
Since our online journal, or "blog" for those of you keeping up with your homework, was looking a tad bland, I'm toying with its colors a bit. Consider this your warning if I strike upon any color combinations that cause seizures. I changed the title of the page from "Travelling with Shawn and Jennifer" to "Traveling with Shawn and Jennifer." The extra "L" was causing quite a controversy. Although I checked in the dictionary and both spellings are correct, I had several people tell me the way I had it was wrong. I believe the double "L" version is the English way to spell the word. Apparently, there are a lot of Americans still holding a grudge over that taxation without representation thing from the 1700's. Anyway...I bowed to the will of the masses, but I will continue to visit the theatre and not the theater. I've also added a photo to our header. It's a self portrait of the two of us that I took while playing around with my parents new digital camera. I think we look a bit frightening and possibly high on some sort of drug. I like to think its how we'll appear to the Asians we'll soon be meeting. Comments
If I looked through the peephole in my door and saw the you two from that picure, I would pretend that I wasn't home so it's probably good that you're going to Asia. They aren't going to know what to do with you two!!! Have fun getting drunk for the flight. (I miss the extra L.) Posted by: April on June 2, 2004 10:29 PMI don't want to see you adding any of those extra pretentious u's to words either. Yer still an American durnit! :) Posted by: Jen Olson on June 14, 2004 09:52 AM |
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