BootsnAll Travel Network

Warsaw, Poland (The culinary capital?)


At our hotel, we sat down to a dinner prearranged for our group.  You would have thought we were caught in the Polish version of Candid Camera.  It was hard to believe that the servers were serious when they plopped this stuff down in front of us.  The food served to us was some supposedly sliced turkey that had a thick jellied sauce poured over a wad of butter.  The photo was perfect.  The jelly was a hard glaze on the plate.  This food was so disgusting that it just clung to the plate when I turned it sideways.  Needless to say, we would not eat it and I discovered a great thin crust pizza place down the street late that night.  I certainly was hungry after walking away from this not so culinary delight.   As a matter of fact, we went to the Pizza place both nights for late night dinner.


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