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October 20, 2004

Packing One Year's Worth

Once I had confirmation of my new position as “teacher” I began to plan my packing. How was I going to pack enough clothes for four seasons, school supplies and a one year supply of toiletries and vitamins in TWO suitcases? My carry-on bag would be my laptop and a few things for the 14 hour plane ride! The dilemma began……..I contacted my source in Changsha, Marie with a myriad of questions. She informed me I could get almost anything I needed there with the exception of clothes and shoes. The largest sizes would not fit my size XL Canadian body or size 8-9 feet. The only other thing I would need to bring a one year supply of was hair colouring. (Don’t want those grey hairs growing in and come back looking 90 years old!)
So I was off on a shopping spree complete with my list.

I also needed to take some comfort foods – things I would surely miss and would make me feel better on those down days when I felt a little homesick. Funny how a peanut butter sandwich can make you feel better! I also needed to take some Lipton Chicken Noodle soup mixes in case I got the flu. I hate the stuff and never eat it except when I am sick. Weird, I know but it was on my “must have” list. I also crave ginger ale when I am sick so hopefully it is available there.
I needed to buy a couple new pairs of shoes. I was still recovering from throwing out my back in September and was trying to get away from wearing flip-flops and cheap shoes that give me no support. I invested in a good pair of walking shoes for the 10 minute walk to school and back each day. A pair of rubber duckies for the rainy season-running shoes and a couple pair of comfortable heels rounded out my shoe inventory.
While staying at my Dad & Mom’s for a few days I sewed up three cotton skirts that I could mix and match with blazers and t-shirts. So my purchases were all done except for a few last minute things. It is yet to be determined if everything will fit into the two suitcases.
Other things that had to done were getting shots (flu and tetanus), travel insurance, updating my will and banking information. My passport is good for 5 years since I had just renewed it before my trip to Cuba in March. My son Darren is taking over the rest of the lease on my car and we had to work out all the details for insurance etc.
Every day I ticked off a few things on my China To Do List and then the waiting game began……………………………

Posted by Janice on October 20, 2004 06:03 AM
Category: Getting Ready to Leave
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