Robben Island
Robben Island is the island that has a prison, and is famous because it is the prison Nelson Mandela was kept at. I headed out there today and was sadly a little disappointed. The coolest part was having an old prison inmate as your tour guide, seeing Table Mountain with it’s Table Cloth (when a huge cloud sits right on top of the mountain and also flows down the front of the mountain) from the ocean and seeing penguins. I was disappointed because they seemed very disorganized with an entire busload of us confused as to where to go and with no guide, and then you got on the bus to drive around the island and it was super hot with no airconditioning and they would stop the bus all the time to talk to you so there was no breeze!!!
I’m just happy I got to see the famous South African Penguins though!! Happy St. Patty’s Day everyone! it is my farewell night for Cape Town as I have an early bus out in the morning to Storm’s River, which is about an hour from the city on the coast! Time for new friends and new adventures, but not before one last send off night on the town!
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Hi Summer, your Mom just clued me into reading your blogs, so I did, sounds like you are really experiencing a lot for a young lady! Just like your Mama!!
Am glad you will have my email, so we can keep in touch a little more..Love ya, Aunt Susie Keiser
Hi Summer. Too bad about the mass confusion with the tour. It happens sometimes. Susan & I spent St Pat’s in NYC! There was mass confusion here too. We go home today, Tuesday. Keep up the blog.
haha!! Fun!! my st pattys day was here! it was fun!! and im over the confusion just kinda funny for such a big tourist destination! But im on vacation so theres not too much to be mad about!
thanks! Susie!! being able to keep in touch is always a good thing! and I will for sure have lots of stories to tell! love ya!