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June 02, 2006

JD Salinger and all that

It seems that the great American author J.D. Salinger once worked in the meat factory which until very recently lurked behind the school where I work in Poland. Apparently the experience was traumatic, and he became a vegetarian as a result. Anything was possible in 1936 in Bydgoszcz. The meat factory, to the school's relief, has just been pulled down and moved out of Bydgoszcz. This is probably my last Polish entry, as soon I am returning to England to see the family and take a brief break before teaching at summer school. Then I will be going to Greece, where I shall no doubt put a few more entries in. I hope to set up a new blog when I arrive in Ljubljana in September. Well, that's the plan at the moment, but even the best-laid plans can go astray, as Holden Caulfield realised.

Posted by Daniel V on June 2, 2006 12:52 PM
Category: while waiting for my return: Poland
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