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January 29, 2006

Radio Pik again

In case of confusion, which is unlikely - how many people involved with the dictation, let alone Radio Pik, have been reading my blog? 0? - I must point out that I am not Alan Rickman or Derek Jacobi, and my earlier pronouncement about reading an English dictation over Radio Pik is entirely true; the point was Helen (another TEFL teacher) and I were doing the preliminary rounds way back in 2004, which is presumably why they jazzed the whole thing up. The big star was Alan Rickman who read the Finals dictation, with a much better text, let it be said, and last year - 2005, it was Derek Jacobi's turn in the Finals, with a splendid text. I have not met either Alan Rickman or Derek Jacobi, but I think both are fine actors.

Posted by Daniel V on January 29, 2006 09:55 PM
Category: while waiting for my return: Poland
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