BootsnAll Travel Network

Oct 3

Just want to let everyone know that I won’t be posting again until I reach Vladavostok on Oct 3.


4 responses to “Oct 3”

  1. Pinamimi says:

    ok…i’ll try not to panic!! lol….. see you then!

  2. Jan says:

    We’re Vlad you let us know, ha ha

  3. Macdon says:

    Thanks for letting us know…..what are we all going to do now if we can’t read any of your stories…..I guess I will have to go back to TA for some good reading!!! I think not!!!

  4. Dave says:

    Yeah go on TA, find a thread where they are whining about the lack of toilet sets & tell them to travel in eastern Russia where they use squat toilets, no need for a seat LOL