BootsnAll Travel Network

Here we are

May 8th, 2007

So hurray. Here I am sitting in our lovely home looking at the river on this beautiful sunny day here in North Bend and we have internet!! Who knew I was so addicted and dependent on the information super highway. But I am. This sort of feels like we need to throw some sort of shower party. Like a baby shower or something for the new roommate in our house!!! And I do have to say it is all due to that amazing man that is melting my heart everyday. He got up super early today to make it happen. What jewl. I do have to say even though I am on vacation and I am going a little crazy not having anything to do I am still finding in the silence the buddha smile.
So we are offically connected to all of you now through cyberspace. Bring it on. Love to you all,


the welcome gang

May 4th, 2007

So for those of you who read this and don’t know that I have moved from Portland here is your news flash!! I moved to North Bend WA and if you read this often you know that is where Mike lives. 30 minutes east of Seattle on the beautiful Snoqualmie river. And to show for it’s beauty and breathtaking scenery the animal posse got together and made the choice to welcome me. I am so grateful.
Yesterday morning I awoke to a herd of 10 Elk across the river eating their morning grass breakfast. They were there for perhaps 30 minutes and any time I went on the deck they would stare and I swear one of them smiled!! Then later in the afternoon I was sitting looking at the river and a bald eagle came swooping through the river walls. WOW. It has been a long time since I have seen that. Probaly Alaska. I feel very welcomed. Oh yah and my lovely boyfriend welcomed me with rose petals. Yah


Yellow Boat Opens

January 15th, 2007

So since the last post boy have I been busy.Rehearsals started for Yellow Boat. Then the holidays came which were jammed packed of friends , gifts and merriemnt. Mike and I went to the homestead for a five day ” hey meet my parents and let’s have a major holiday together.” It was a great time. And then the New year followed up with “hey let’s open the show Yellow Boat.” Come on out and see some theatre. Opens Jan 19th and runs till Feb 11th at the Echo Theatre. Hope to see you there. Vist the website for more info.
See you on the flip side.


The fun keeps happening

December 5th, 2006

woow, so Julianna and I just returned from an incredible trip to NYC. We stayed in Brooklyn with my friend Bryan and stayed for 5 days. We saw 5 shows, had a wonderful time and bought some knock off bags on Canal street. I do have to say Julianna and I were SO New York. It was great. We would sub into the city and hit the streets (walking). Which at times both Juls and I’s feet were a little raw on the bottom from 10 hours of strutting the streets.
There were so many stories as well. I mean on the flight Juls got Malaria. I know my father can truely relate to this. You know New Orleans. Then when we finally arrived at Bryans ( which was the airtrain, the c and the d and then a shuttle with all our luggage) we were introduced to this young man that Julianna could not remeber his name so he became shadow boy aka Quincy.
So many stories and great times. I am grateful to share this journey with Julianna and look forward to the day she moves there and strutts her stuff again.
Happy Holidays


The North Bend world

November 18th, 2006

So who knows where North Bend is? I mean that was my question as well. Where the hell is North Bend? That is really how I got up here. I had to go out of my comfort zone and travel to find a town that is nessled between two large mountains, stark beautiful trees and rivers. I am sitting in a resturant that has wireless and having a morning Bloody Mary thinking wow this is great.
Mike lives in North Bend. His house is on a river that you can hear ever so faintly in the house. It is a stunning, clear river that had ducks floating down it this morning. Last night we went to an adorable wine bar and had carmel creme brulee. Yum. And apparently this is the home of Twin Peaks as well. Wow you learn so much when you step outside of your immediate circle. Have a great weekend.


what a space cadet

November 14th, 2006

oops I forgot a few things that have happened. Ha what a fool.

I got a call from Mike (that damn fine man) one sunday afternoon. He was in Hawaii for a friends wedding and was staying longer after the wedding was over. So on this sunday he asked me to fly to Hawaii.
I blushed on the other end of the line and said no way silly boy I am not jet setting off to Hawaii with a man I barely even know. He said oh come on I will pay for your ticket. I said no thank you I will pay for my own ticket. He said you could come on Tuesday and leave with me on Saturday. I thought to myself this man in out of his mind. I mean truely what person invites someone they barley know to a beautiful tropical island? That person is definitly Mike.

So I got on the horn with the entire circle of friends and they all said I was the crazy one for not going. My mother without hesitation said yes. My boss and dear friend said leave know we will cover your shifts and my dear Alaskan friend said are you seriously considering not going. Lindsay you are an idiot. Okay Okay I get the hint…… I will go.

He booked my flight and the next day I was at the Honolulu airport uniting with him and his friends. Wow that was intense. Oh yah I got lei’ed as well. Ha

It was a beautiful trip and it was such a delightful 3rd date. What a way to really get to know someone. I feel very fortunate to have had such a charmed experience.


Are you there baby jesus, it’s me Lindsay

November 13th, 2006

So I have been getting some complaints as to where the heck did I disappear to. Well for a while I couldn’t get into the blog so that was that and then life just kept cruzing along so that ws that. Let see update from last entry which I believe was in July. Ohmy….

August: went to Auburn for Mom’s birthday bash. What great celebration. We had an awesome time chilling by the pool and having the all time great summer BBQ. Christie and i did it up with decorations and yummy cake and good all around laughter. Happy Birthday mom.

September: what a big month! Started it off with the most epic journey to the Gorge to see Dave Mathews. Will never do that again. if you would haven’t heard the story and have about an hour I would love to share it otherwise fucking forget I ever went. Please baby jesus in the manger in your loin cloth with beautiful wispy hair forgive me for stepping off of the path. I don’t know what I was thinking. Well I wasn’t.
Then we had a huge celebration for Sarah. A wonderful surprise party. We had a limo pick us up at the resturant and drove us to Edgefield where we spent the night played golf had a wonderful dinner and had a rip roaring time. Her and 7 of her friends. What a blast.
I am off Match!!!!!! Boy what a relief.

October: came and we opened Leni our first mainstage production of the season. What an incredible show. The outreach program of Insight is doing great we did two tours already by this point and rehearsing another tour as well.
Let see what else happened. Oh I met a boy. Well I should say a damn fine man. Oh baby jesus now that you are a toddler I thank you for your gift that you have bestowed apon me. Thank you for working your everloving magic my way.
He is wonderful we met in late September and have been moving right along.

November: Julianna’s birthday and celebration of one year from her surgery. Yah girl. We had an incredible birthday party for her. A tattoo party. I know, I know but it was awesome. We rented a studio and had about 12 other people get a tattoo while Julianna had her first tattoo done. It was a beautiful ritual of celebration. And yes I got another tattoo. It rocks.
Well at the end of the month Julianna and I will be going to New York to see shows and play around the big apple. Until next time love you all and happy turkey feasting as well.


Return to Ptown

July 6th, 2006

Wow I return and the clouds and cool weather come to the town. Funny, it was so hot in California and then here soft gentle overcast breeze.
Anyway, wow what an incredible experience it was to be part of the summer camp. I was and am still moved by the growth and the new eyes that were explored and developed. Bryan and I learned so much and got totally thrilled by their growth that we started to work on the curiculm for next year. I got asked back to do it again next year. Bryan and I are ready to come back with fresh ideas and a even more kick ass curiculm.
Hanging with the family was great as well. We had great dinner with the BBQ and debreifing in the pool. Morgan, Christie and I went camping and Jeeping for three days. That was incredible. I have pictures and will post as soon as I learn. Sean said he would teach me when he comes back from the World Cup.
Mom and Bryan and I went and saw the Last Five Years as well. That was so good to see considering I had been singing it for the past month.
Mom is coming up in September to see Wicked if you want to see it let me know.
Hope your summers are going well.



June 14th, 2006

Back at Dell Arte there was this amazing student named Takayo. She was tiny and a power house in the end. yet in the begining she had a hard time understanding english and whatt he hell we were doing. But she stole the show with this incredible endearing object piece with a red bucket. One of the lines was Departure, Departure, Departure. Shot out to Takayo for the imprint of all my departures with her voice and style.
I head down in the morning (real early morning I might add) to California for two weeks. I got invited to go down to Auburn teach a two week drama camp. I will be teaching scene work, movement and commedia. I am really excited to kind of go on vacation and teach at the same time. Sweet.
Also a chapter is closing. I am done with match and will not sign up again. It has been a wild ride of turbulant forces and I feel I have recieved my good calluse and can now look at things for a different kind of view other than speed dating horney men which at times can make for horney women. So peace msrednose and on to other adventures.


It is done!

June 6th, 2006

I wish I had a way to put pictures up on this blog. (wink wink Sean) Anyay the tattoo is done and it is beautiful and striking. I love it. I guess you will just have to see me to see the amazing art work that Alice did on my leg. I am floored.
