
Recent Entries

September 06, 2004


Day 6
Airports 3
Train staions 0
Bus stations 2
Currency Exchanges 1

I was a little apprehensive coming to Bristol... I had heard that the people were unfriendly and the place a little trashy. I was actually trying to change my plans to go somewhere else, but wasn't going to be easy so I reluctantly got on the bus and.... Wow! Bristol is freakin cool! I did see a guy bathing in the fountain in the middle of the town square, but I figured it was better than him NOT bathing.
I walked right into an organic food fair which was being held down on the harbor right by my hostel. I walked around and sampled organic food and beverage around crowds of Brits. THEN I went shopping because I didn't have anything cool to wear (and it's freaking hot here). THEN I went and had a wonderful chicken sandwich and (although at first I was disappointed because the sandwiches only came with chips and not french fries), realized that chips actually ARE french fries in jolly ole England.
The hostel is great. It's big, it's friendly, and it has a huge breakfast in the morning for free (I finally got my beans and toast). I also met a girl named Sarah from Australia and we went walking around today for at least 6 hours exploring the sites of Bristol. Nothing really that spectacular, just old 15th century houses, Georgian architectured streets, and the Bristol suspension bridge (which actually doesn't come close to the Golden Gate). The highlight was the camera obscura observatory where we walked to the top of this lighthouse looking building, entered a dark room, closed the door and on a large disk in the center of the room appeared a submarine scope image of the surrounding area. We could see cars buzzing by on the bridge, we could see trees blowing in the wind, and we could see people!! I actually felt a bit naughty and voyeuristic (I know I spelled that wrong), but it was quite amusing at the same time.
Sarah was quite intelligent for her young age and we talked a great deal about politics. She's definitely of a politically liberal viewpoint, although a wonderfully moral person. She admitted to feeling quite upset with Americans until she saw Michael Moore's Farenheit 9.11 and understood that not all Americans are like G.W. Bush. Apparently he's all the rage over there (M. Moore, not G. Bush).

One more funny thing was a comedy show done in the harbor area near all the restaurants and clubs. It was two Brits wearing nothing but black, studded, leather g-stings. They would juggle fire, and taunt the snobby rich people eating in the five star restaurant through the window by jumping up and down and slapping their asses. The grand finale was when they lit a few sparklers and put them between their butt checks and then stood on their heads. Freakin' hilarious.

I'm headed to Berlin tomorrow afternoon, yea!

1. For it to be bloody hot!!!
2. To not meet one single American
3. For the accent to actually get on my nerves a little. Not the men, just the girls... it's pretty high pitched and they accent different syllabals.

Seen on the airplane:
"Fasten seat belt whilst seated."

Posted by Erin on September 6, 2004 07:03 AM
Category: 01 Jolly Ole England
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