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May 29, 2004

My two baht

Apologies in advance to any readers out there who are religious, it is a touchy subject and one that can cause much offense, I've probably offended you already, sorry about that. I don't take much seriously, and it's served me fairly well so far. Thailand is 95% buddhist and they take their religion seriously. At all of the temples there are a list of things that are offensive to Buddhists, pointing your feet at a buddha and touching peoples heads for example. There's a good chance that giggling is right up there too, in that case I'm going to several flavours of hell. Emily asked me tonight why I wasn't Buddhist, and I replied that I am. But I am also a Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Sikh, Bahai, Taoist and a Jew (and any others that I missed), and none of them all at the same time. I think that the essence of all these belief systems are identical and that a lot of disagreements (and wars) are down to quibbling over details. I think that what you do and why you do it are far more important than what you believe, and that there is a lot of difference between philosophy and religion.

My commandments: Live and let live, Do as you would be done by, find your heaven on earth and worship me as your leader. Enough said.

Posted by Zach & Emily on May 29, 2004 04:52 AM
Category: Thailand
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